Friday, November 11, 2016

Is it over yet? Please let it be over!

OK, y’all, so the liberal New York yankee has been selected as the new emperor of the Evil Empire, over the shrill liberal Chicago yankee.

I have to admit that even I can enjoy seeing the wailing and gnashing of the teeth of the liberal media and various celebrities who vowed to leave the country if Trump won.

Someone, who was once a friend (not sure he would still count himself as such), charged me with looking on those who supported Trump with contempt. That is simply not true. I think most of them are like-minded folks who have not yet been disabused of their myriad delusions concerning the Amerikan Empire. I believe that SOME of them – SOME of them -- will be awakened soon enough. Others will, unfortunately, return to their slumber, confident of their "victory" and glorying in the Trump presidency, which will essentially continue on the presidencies of the Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, etc. Really all that has transpired since the election of the tyrant Ape Lincoln.

I have ZERO confidence in seeing any real change or improvements in the Empire under the rule of Trump - BUT I am encouraged that the American people have shown their disgust and displeasure with the status quo by electing a candidate who was promoted as a genuine alternative.

Anyway, a few days have passed since the election and I think those of us who love liberty do well to sit down and try to put all of this into perspective.

A man whom I have known for many years, a man who was once called “the most dangerous man in the mid-South”, and a man that some of us know as the Moneychanger did this early on election day, before any of the results were in.

For more on “the most dangerous man in the mid-South” you can click here:

Franklin Sanders has seen the teeth of the Federal Leviathan bared against himself and his family. He stood and he prevailed. He continues to stand and to encourage others.

If you like, you may subscribe to his free daily commentary here:

Franklin Sanders wrote the following commentary BEFORE the results of the election were known. We would all do well to carefully consider his words and to put them into action to the best of our ability.

November 8, 2016, 2:30pm

The SYSTEM kills freedom, because human freedom is its most lethal enemy

By Franklin Sanders

No point in talking about markets before the election results are in, but I want to put a bug in the ear to urge y'all to think holistically or systemically.

Loads of operatives in the politics industry -- Americans turn everything into an industry -- want you to believe that changing this or that little element in the system -- even changing the president or passing some amendment -- will change things.

Nothing could be further from the truth. This is whole-blindness, staring at the parts instead of the whole and fatuously wishing that changing some part will correct the whole.

With the yankee government, we are dealing with a SYSTEM. The whole system works together, and changing a president changes nothing. As proof, look at the last 36 years. Reagan changed things? Hardly. Biggest spender in US history until that time. Same holds for all his rotten successors, & most of his 20th century predecessors.

You are dealing with a SYSTEM, where over 50% of income comes from government spending, about 3/5 of that from federal spending, and about 2/5 from state & local government spending. Read that again, & draw the obvious inference: there is NO US economy, there is a one-legged economy that cannot stand without government spending.

So am I against incremental improvements & change? Not at all, but they are bootless, worthless, & feckless unless they aim at changing a SYSTEM which stands strong because like so many piglets half of everybody is sucking on the government teat. I'm not talking welfare, either, but defense spending & subsidies, which dwarf welfare spending. Every farmer who receives subsidies, only about 20% of farmers, in fact, will fight like an enraged mother banshee to keep that subsidy. More, the banks long ago seized control of Washington, so no politician will cross them by reforming them. No politician will stop NAFTA, GAFTA, or BLAFTA shipping US jobs overseas because the corporations who profit from slave labor own the politicians.

The entire system is ordered to profit a few at the many's expense.

Technically the system is FASCISM or national socialism or corporativism. Its strength is in the number of piglets at the teat. It began in this country in 1865 and grew to maturity during the New Deal. Since then it has metastasized into every crevice of privacy and life. To continue the metaphor, the System is the cancer, and the cancer must be killed or it will kill the body.

Most of all, the SYSTEM kills freedom, because human freedom is its most lethal enemy. Government claims to be god, and so like god, it must know and control everything. Freedom cannot coexist with the fascist state, nor can privacy.

I am not against incremental change, or even political activity, but you must view it holistically and systemically. Unless your activity works to change or eliminate the system, it only wastes your time & feeds the System's political industry. Far better to spend your efforts at the state & local level, removing taxes and regulations and restoring freedom in your own community. You have more leverage there than anywhere, and certainly more than at the national level.

Bear in mind: It is a System that troubles you, not a president, not a judge, not a constitutional amendment, not one law, but an entire System that oppresses you.

So take heart: whichever vile teenager wins today, you still have plenty of work to keep you busy dismantling their SYSTEM. Never let them make you think you "are the only one who thinks like you do" or that there is no hope. Brick by brick they built it, and brick by brick we can, and will, take it down.

Franklin Sanders lives on a farm in Middle Tennessee by choice, deals in physical gold & silver, and has been writing and publishing The Moneychanger for nearly 26 years.


Deo Vindice!





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