Saturday, May 11, 2024

Free Florida First will have a booth at the Newberry Watermelon Festival on Saturday, May 18, 2024

We have had a booth at the Newberry Watermelon Festival since 2012. In the past we have always had a pleasant and productive day. 

Nevertheless, we remain alert to potential conflict in light of the current political atmosphere, particularly given Newberry’s proximity to the socialist enclave of Gainesville (home of the Marxist University of Florida). But thus far we have experienced very little negative feedback. Still, we never know when BLM or Antifa or some other group of communist agitators may discover us -- regardless, we shall soldier on by the Grace of God.  His will be done!

We always sell a significant number of our flags and meet many like-minded folk.

The event is scheduled to be held from 9:00am-3:30pm at the Country Way Town Square in Newberry, Florida. Why don’t you come out and introduce yourself to us! (NOTE: Admission is free, but there is a parking fee of $5 per vehicle.)

Newberry Watermelon Festival Web Page
(includes interactive map at the bottom of the homepage):

Newberry Watermelon Festival Facebook Page:

Every year we set up booths at several area festivals. It is an opportunity to get ourselves before the public and let folks know that some of us still strive to stand in the old ways and ask for the old paths. We proudly display the banners of our fathers and encourage folks to work for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Jeremiah 6:16a
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. . . .

We believe that it is increasingly important for us to show our devotion to the principles that undergirded the Confederate States of America and to make our presence known in our local community.  We strongly advocate for individual liberty and a minuscule government that is truly by the consent of the governed. Won’t you consider joining with us?

Here’s what our booth will look like (we shouldn't be hard to find):

And here are some of our compatriots who have manned the booth with us:

So, come out to the Watermelon Festival, visit with us, and buy some flags to help support our efforts, and then go home and fly them, to show your own commitment to liberty and truth.

Here’s a sample of the 3’ X 5’ flags we offer for sale at the festival for $10 each or three (3) for $25.

The proceeds from our sales help us to continue our work for liberty and truth.

Stand up and show your colors and STAND AND FIGHT FOR SOUTHERN RIGHTS!

By the Grace of God we will continue to do so!

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Invitation to Confederate Memorial Day 2024 at Landmark Baptist Church

Remembering Those Who Fought Against the Immoral Invading Hordes from the north.

On April 20th and 21st, Landmark Baptist Church and Free Florida First will jointly mark Confederate Memorial Day 2024.

This commemoration is by Confederates to the memory of Confederates. There will be no recognition of the evil yankee empire, nor of it striped rag. That villainous flag is dripping with the blood of our ancestors and with the blood of many other innocent victims since that time.

You will find an online invitation and details of our events here:

According to Florida Statutes, Confederate Memorial Day is a recognized legal holiday. 

In today’s political climate, it’s not surprising that attempts are made virtually every year to eliminate the Confederate Memorial Day holiday, but fortunately it has been avoided to date. But regardless of what carpetbagger and scalawag politicians may do, our celebration will continue on, by the Grace of God. We can’t control Tallahassee or DC, but we can control ourselves. 

In 1900 a red St. Andrew’s cross was added to our Florida’s State Flag as a remembrance of our Confederate ancestors and defenders.

The Confederate soldier is most worthy of remembrance and recognition. Those soldiers fought in defense of their homes, their families, their way of life, and their state. In spite of the manifest lie that the modern day storm troopers of the amerikan empire are fighting for our freedom, the truth is that the Confederate soldier was the last veteran to fight in defense of our God-given rights.

The amerikan empire is certainly no less tyrannical today. So, more than a mere remembrance, we have dedicated ourselves to taking up the banners and the sacred Cause of our Confederate forebears. We seek a truly Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida. 

You will find a large display of historical flags at our observance, even some early US flags. You’ll see the Betsy Ross flag (designed by the Southerner, George Washington). You’ll see the 15 striped “Star-spangled Banner” of which Southerner Francis Scott Key wrote his memorable poem. Ironically, the tyrant Ape Lincoln imprisoned Key’s grandson within the walls of Fort McHenry for his opposition to the yankee cause from within the pages of his newspaper. And you’ll see many other flags of our Southern Nation (over 50).

You’ll see the Florida secession flag of Colonel William Chase, who removed the multiple stars of the failed union from the blue field of the US flag and replaced them with the single-star of a Sovereign and Independent Florida.


What you will NOT see are any modern US flags (since we sought to go our separate way in 1860). We DO NOT honor the flag of the invaders of our country, not on this day – not on any other day. Nor will we ever pledge allegiance to the tyrannical union by reciting a “Pledge of Allegiance” written by a South hating, socialist yankee.


Above is a replica of the Battle Flag of Florida’s Marion Light Artillery, in which my G-G-Grandpa, Sergeant John Cauthen Strickland, served. As the banner declares, he and his compatriots fought for “God and Our Rights” as free Southern men. By the Grace of God, we hope to continue that struggle against the increasingly evil and thoroughly perverse amerikan empire.

The following link contains descriptions of all the flags displayed during Confederate Memorial Day:

Quite simply, when it comes to the striped rag of the amerikan empire: “Ain’t my flag; Ain’t my country.” It has not been so since 1861. It appears to me that the time is approaching when true Southerners will be called upon to fight against that banner once again.


In the words of Major Innes Randolph, C.S.A. (taken from his poem, “I’m a Good Ole’ Rebel”): “I hates the glorious Union – ‘Tis dripping with our blood - I hates their striped banner, I fought it all I could . . . I'm glad I fit against it, I only wish we'd won, and I don't want no pardon for anything I done.”

From time to time, some folks will admonish us that the war is over and that we should simply forget and move on. We have no intention of doing so. We happen to agree with Pastor R. L. Dabney, who served as Chief of Staff for Lt. General T. J. “Stonewall” Jackson:

“What, forgive those people who invaded our country, burned our cities, destroyed our homes, slain our young men, and spread desolation and ruin over our land? No, I do not forgive them.”

R. L. Dabney

Furthermore, it’s not over yet -- not by a long shot. It’s not over as long as there are any of us who remember. It is not over as long as there are any of us still committed to picking up the banner and the Cause of our fathers and to continuing their struggle for independence and self-determination. That is why they hate our banners, our monuments, our remembrances, and above everything else – why they hate us.

We pray along with our great chieftain, Robert E. Lee, that God may be pleased to “give us a name and a place among the nations of the earth.”

If you are likewise inclined, come out and mark this day with us. On Saturday there will be a special memorial service at our flag pole, followed by placing flags on Confederate soldiers’ graves in a local cemetery.

Placing Flags in the Archer Cemetery 

Sunday there will be a special Confederate Memorial Day church service, in which Pastor Wilson will take on the character of Confederate Chaplain J.D.D. Refroe and preach his sermon delivered on August 21, 1863 in response to the proclamation for a fast day by our honourable President, Jefferson Davis.

Pastor Wilson as Chaplain J.D.D. Renfroe

We do not mark this day simply because some of our ancestors served in the Confederate Army or Navy or Marine Corps. Many who will celebrate with us have no Confederate ancestors. We mark this day because those who fought against the northern invasion were right in their actions and pure in their motives and we seek to stand with them. 

We do not seek simply to remember those who struggled against the yankee invaders, but as our ancestors noted in the Declaration of Independence in the First War for Independence, “we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor” in the struggle against Leviathan in the 21st Century. 


Come out and encourage yourself and others as you fellowship with like-minded Southern patriots. 

Online invitation and details of our events here:

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





CLICK HERE to view a PDF of our weekly paper, Just for Your Consideration.

CLICK HERE to be added to our email list. 

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Shame Upon the Southern Man Who Wears the Coat of Blue

There are several excellent renditions of the old post-war song “Wearing of the Gray.”

The song is based upon the old Irish tune “Wearing of the Green.” Which contains the lyrics:

Oh, Paddy dear, did you hear the news that's going 'round?

The shamrock is forbid by law to grow on Irish ground

Saint Patrick's Day no more to keep, his color can't be seen

For there's a bloody law again' the Wearing of the Green. . . .

She's the most distressful country that ever yet was seen

For they're hanging men and women there for Wearing of the Green.

It should be no surprise that one of my favorite renditions of “Wearing of the Gray” was recorded by the Irish Patriot Derek Warfield.

You can find his lyrics here (with some added comments in parenthesis): 

Some of  his most moving and convicting lyrics are these:

Now honor to the soldier

Who still is firm and true,

And shame upon the Southern man

Who wears the coat of Blue!

I say “convicting”, for I in fact wore a coat of Blue, as I served the evil empire, as an officer of US Marines for eight years. I would never do it again. If I had understood then what I do now, I would never have done it then. I warn all young Christians and all young Southerners against joining the empire’s military.

  • Do you want to be employed against your fellow Southerners when they stand against the oppression of the empire (consider Texas attempting to protect its own borders)? Or consider the coming secession that looms on the horizon?

  • Do you want, as we would sometimes joke, to “travel to distant lands, meet exotic people, and kill them” [or perhaps be justifiably killed by them]?

  • Do you want to be billeted with or led by sodomites and mentally ill self-mutilators (trans-sexuals)?

  • Do you want to be commanded by those who hate your heritage, hate your ancestors, and hate your faith?

I pray that I may be forgiven for having donned that dishonorable coat of blue. Lord knows I did it in ignorance and in misplaced “patriotism.”

I’m 73 years old, but the only uniform I intend to ever wear again will be one of gray!!!

You may listen to Mr. Warfield sing “Wearing of the Gray” at this  link:

God Bless Dixie! God Bless All Faithful Southern Patriots!

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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