Friday, April 24, 2015

No Striped Rags at Our Confederate Memorial Day

Well, folks, I’ve been occupied this week preparing for Confederate Memorial Day. I’ve hardly had time to compile my weekly paper, much less to set down any profound thoughts.

Come out and join us for the celebration:

Amongst other things, you find a large display of historical flags. You’ll see the Betsy Ross flag (designed by the Southerner, George Washington).

You’ll see the 15 striped “Star-spangled Banner” of which Southerner Francis Scott Key wrote his memorable poem.  Ironically the tyrant Ape Lincoln imprisoned two of Key’ grandsons within the walls of Fort McHenry when they voice opposition to his unconstitutional and immoral invasion of the South.

You’ll see the Florida secession flag of Col. Wm. Chase, who removed the multiple stars of the failed union from the blue field of the US flag and replaced them with the single-star of a Sovereign and Independent Florida.

You will not see any modern US flags. We do not honor the flag of the invaders of our country, not on this day or any other day.

Quite simply: “Ain’t my flag; Ain’t my country.”

Nor will we ever pledge allegiance to the tyrannical union by reciting a “Pledge of Allegiance” written by a South hating, socialist yankee.

Well, I’ve already written more that I intended  to. I will close with a thought from R. L. Dabney, Southern pastor, theologian and Confederate officer, who served on the staff of Lt. General T. J. “Stonewall” Jackson. His words express my thoughts exactly.

“What, forgive those people who invaded our country, burned our cities, destroyed our homes, slain our young men, and spread desolation and ruin over our land? No, I do not forgive them.”

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Friday, April 17, 2015

Invitation to Confederate Memorial Day at Landmark Baptist Church

On Saturday, April 25 and Sunday, April 26, Landmark Baptist Church and Free Florida First will be celebrating Confederate Memorial Day.

You are cordially invited to mark this solemn occasion with us.

Detailed information is available on the web site:

We do not mark this day simply because some of our ancestors served in the Confederate Armed Forces. Many who will celebrate with us have no Confederate ancestors. We mark this day because those who fought against the northern invasion were right in their actions and pure in their motives.

We do not seek simply to remember those who struggled against the Amerikan empire in the 19th Century, but  as our ancestors noted in the Declaration of Independence in the First War for Independence, “we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor” in the struggle against Leviathan in the 21st Century.

Come out and encourage yourself and others as you fellowship with like-minded Southern patriots.

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Friday, April 10, 2015

Confederate Memorial Day

In Florida, Confederate Memorial Day, April 26th, is a legal state holiday.  By an act of the US Congress, Confederate soldiers are officially recognized as American Veterans. In 1900 a red St. Andrew’s cross was added to the Florida State Flag as a remembrance of our Confederate ancestors and defenders.

In spite of these facts, our carpetbagger governor and the scalawags and carpetbaggers in his cabinet have denied the induction of three Confederate veterans into the Florida Veterans’ Hall of Fame. This is a despicable, dishonorable and unforgivable action -- but what else would we expect from devotees to the party of the tyrant Lincoln?
Of all American veterans, the Confederate soldier is the most worthy of remembrance and recognition. Florida Confederates were fighting in a fully justified defense of home, family and state. The unionist forces that opposed them were, quite simply, immoral invaders and imperial storm troopers.

On April 25th and 26th, Landmark Baptist Church and Free Florida First will mark Confederate Memorial Day. We will remember those who valiantly fought for our rights and liberty against the Amerikan Empire.
See the online invitation here:
It is altogether both fitting and proper that we remember the Confederate soldier. We shall continue to do so, so long as the Lord gives us the strength to oppose the ungodly forces of political correctness.
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Friday, April 3, 2015

Standing for Liberty

The recently enacted “Indiana Religious Freedom Law” has caused all manner of controversy. The Indianapolis Star summarizes the confusing text of the law thusly: “The religious freedom law says the government cannot intrude on a person's religious liberty unless it can prove a compelling interest in imposing that burden and do so in the least restrictive way” (emphasis added). So, government cannot impose upon your deeply held religious convictions, unless it determines that it has an interest to do so. In essence, you are free to hold your religious convictions unless government decides that you are not. The law means absolutely nothing and accomplishes absolutely nothing. 

One conservative political commentator called for us to “Stand with Indiana.” That’s a difficult thing to do when Indiana’s governor and legislators are explaining, backtracking and retreating as fast as they can. How can one “Stand with Indiana” when it is apparent that Indiana and its leaders have no idea where they stand? Indeed the politicians in Indiana have already modified the law to specifically prohibit a business from denying service to sodomites. So now a meaningless law has been made a positively evil one. 

The essential issue is not religious liberty or discrimination against sodomites. It is human liberty and human rights. Man is created in the image of God. In the realm of human affairs, a man possesses ownership of his own person and is he entitled to the fruits of his own labor. To require that a man labor on the behalf of another when it is contrary to his own will is nothing less than slavery. 

If the owner of a restaurant does not wish to serve blacks, he is perfectly within his rights to do so. If a Black congregation determines that it does not wish to admit Whites to its services, they have an absolute right to do so. Should a Christian baker not wish to lend his talents to baking a cake for a sodomite sham marriage, he should not be compelled to do so. The rights of free association and of the control of one’s own labor and property are fundamental human rights, in spite of tyrannical human laws to the contrary. 

Many corporations, governments and organizations went on record as opposing the Indiana law. As a lover of liberty, I will avoid interaction with these self-avowed thought-tyrants and enemies of liberty. Prominent amongst these entities were most major sports organizations. 

I’ve been a race fan since I was a kid, but I’m done with NASCAR. Likewise the NFL, the NCAA, IndyCar, etc.

Unfortunately, many folks in the liberty movement and many Christians consider sports to be more important than liberty and/or Christian convictions. So the masses will continue to be occupied with “bread and the circuses” as their liberties vanish into thin air.

 As the Roman poet, Juvenal noted: 
… Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses. -- Juvenal

I believe that this country is finished. The Apostle Paul notes in Romans 1:18-32 that sodomy is the judgment of God upon a people. It does not bring God’s judgment -- it IS God’s judgment. Amerika is already under the judgment of God. I do not, however, intend to go quietly into the night of Amerikan tyranny. I believe that the Lord would have me to resist the surrounding evil until He is pleased to take call me home.


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