Friday, December 30, 2016

Worshipping the state’s costumes

This week I was banned from the page of a “super patriot” who faithfully worships at the altar of the almighty amerikan state.

He had posted the photo below and I evidently did not show proper reverence for the uniform of the Evil Empire’s strong-arm men.

I commented as follows:

GW: And why should being in a government costume make a difference? If you spit on anyone you should receive a throat punch. But I suppose some animals are more equal.

Mr. Snowflake took umbrage at my remark and responded as follows:

NK: Greg my friend I sure as HELL don't think a MILITARY UNIFORM is a DAMN COSTUME. This type of comment puts you in a clown suite [sic]. You being a pastor you should realize those wearing the uniform have kept YOU SIR free to preach. One more post like this and your [sic] BLOCKED from seeing anything I post.

I thought I might make the effort to enlighten the ill-informed sheeple and replied as follows:

GW: Do as you wish NK. I wore the costume of a Marine Corps Captain; I served the empire for eight years as an infantry and intelligence officer . . . Now, compared to Smedley Butler, that ain't much at all. He wore the uniform of a Marine Corps Major General, was the recipient of two Medals of Honor; and wrote: "I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism." 

-- Fighting for my freedom?? I think not. Am I more or less free as a result of all the Amerikan adventures abroad??

Here’s Smedley book: "War Is a Racket", but don't get all confused by the facts.
War Is A Racket, by Major General Smedley Butler, 1935
“It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.”

It is indeed unfortunate that so many have been brainwashed by the empire. They repeat the phrase “the military is fighting for our freedom”, but when challenged they cannot explain how this is might be. So instead they cut off discussion, so as not to have their delusions assailed.

Many of them are, no doubt, good decent folks; folks who should be our natural allies; and yet they are devoted to the illusions of the Amerikan empire above and beyond anything else. They cannot or will not see the tyranny that is before their eyes.

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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Friday, December 16, 2016

Brainwashed to love your oppressors

In a recent Gallup poll the three most trusted institutions in the US were as follows:

   1. US Military (73%)

   2. Small Business (68%)

   3. The Police (63%)

I’ll not take exception to the inclusion of Small Business, but the other two show the extent to which the populace has been brainwashed. The primary sources of this brainwashing have been the government schools, the military itself, the corporate media, and big-time sports. I’ll have to address those specific institutions at a later date.

Too often I hear friends, who claim to love liberty and to oppose Big Government, laud the empire’s costumed strong-arm men. Do they not realize that these are the very people who are currently being utilized to infringe upon their God-given rights? Do they not realize that when the empire comes for their guns, and for their cash, and for their metals, and for their food stores, that these costumed actors will be the very individuals that they face?

And don’t fool yourself; the vast majority of them will follow whatever orders they are given. And what makes me think so? Well, they are ALREADY following unlawful, unconstitutional and immoral orders EVERY DAY.

The American military actively participates in undeclared, and hence, unconstitutional wars. They attack people in their own homelands who have done us no harm and they often kill the civilians right along with the military, dismissing them as collateral damage.

The police daily enforce unconstitutional gun laws -- unconstitutional, because all such laws are unconstitutional on their very face. “Shall not be infringed” means “shall not be infringed.” How difficult can that be to understand?

The police conduct so-called sobriety check points, which violate the Fourth Amendment’s protection against unreasonable and warrantless searches. They participate in seizure of property upon mere suspicion and without due process, violating the protections of the Fifth Amendment.

Past conduct indicates future action, so you are very foolish indeed if you look for allies in the military and police.

Yes, many of my conservative friends are confident that the military and police will support the people “when the time comes.” BUT the time HAS come and they have ALREADY proven that they will simply obey whatever unconstitutional and immoral orders they are given.

Prepare yourself to stand against tyrannical government and its hatchet men.

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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Friday, December 9, 2016

Educate Yourself and Others While It Is Still Possible

Mark Twain has been credited with saying: “If you don’t read the newspapers, you are uninformed. If you do read them you are misinformed.”

Until relatively recent times, there were few alternatives to the corporation newspapers, and their successors, the corporation broadcasters.

With the advent of the internet, a plethora of news sources opened up, many of them solid and reliable; and some perhaps not so much. One can, however, become a well-informed and rational thinker by carefully searching through the reliable information that is available on the internet today. I seek to do this daily as I visit a multitude of web sites including, Lew Rockwell, The Ron Paul Institute, World Net Daily, Newsmax, The Rutherford Institute, American Thinker, Breitbart, The New American and many others – and adding in for good measure some reliable and intelligent bloggers, like The Captain’s Journal (Herschel Smith).

I would encourage everyone who reads this to make every effort to educate themselves as well. If you don’t believe that you have the time to visit these sites every day, I would encourage you to at least browse through our weekly paper, Just for Your Consideration. I compile it from information that I consider to be of interest and value gleaned from a multitude of sources.

Some of you already receive the paper as a PDF attachment to my weekly email blog. If you are not subscribed, you can request to be added to our mailings on the Free Florida First web site: 

There is also a direct link to the most recent edition of the paper at the bottom of my weekly blog entries:

These alternative and reliable sources of information are increasingly coming under attack. Virtually all of those mentioned above are being designated as “fake news sites” by the government bureaucracy, the corporate media and those who control the gateways to the internet such as Google and Facebook.

Those who desire to control us are none too pleased that you have sources of information other than their agreed upon and vetted propaganda.

Moves are underway to restrict the free flow of information on the internet by any means possible. The past is being rewritten and the present is being obscured in order to usher in a future that our controllers have planned for us mundanes. It is a future envisioned by George Orwell as a boot stamping on a human face.

Further Orwell noted: “He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future.”

You can rest assured that our enemies are doing all they can to control the present . . . and thereby the past and the future.


Be the Resistance!

Deo Vindice!





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Friday, December 2, 2016

The USA: Too Big for Liberty

The monstrosity that is called the United States of America is far too big to offer anything like liberty and self-determination to its inhabitants.

Take the recent presidential election as an illustration. Consider the map below. There are 3100 counties within the states that constitute the USA. Donald Trump won 2600 of those counties and Hillary Clinton won 500. The map below depicts the counties won by Trump in red and those won by Clinton in blue.

Now consider, that as physical beings, we all live in certain geographic areas; we all occupy certain real estate, whether they be large or small. In these areas we naturally form communities, as we associate with our neighbors, who are generally much like us and with whom we learn to live in peace because of our proximity to them.

Should those in the vast geographic areas represented by the red on the map be told how to live by those who occupy the much smaller geographic areas represented by the blue, even though they may constitute a plurality of the population? And if they were to be so ruled, could that by any stretch of the imagination be called liberty or freedom or self-determination?

Now reverse situation, suppose those in the red areas were to impose their will upon those who live in the blue areas. Would not this likewise be a situation devoid of any liberty or freedom or self-determination?

Washington, DC is the seat of a vast empire that extends over a vast geographical area. The politicians in DC wield tremendous powers over the nation as a whole. In particular the US President wields great power over the entire nation. Whether we like or not – whether that was how it was intended to be or not – that IS how it is! Whether US Presidents are elected by popular vote or the Electoral College or some other hybrid method, almost half of a huge population is disenfranchised and brought under bondage to the rest of the population.

The only solution that offers even a measure of freedom is to reduce government to a much, much smaller level. Restore local, accountable and sovereign self-government. I can learn to live with my neighbors, but how do I learn to live with liberals on the “Left Coast” or socialists in New England?  Why should I even want to attempt such a thing?

I don’t care how folks on the West Coast of California or New England or even in Southeast Florida live, just so long as they leave me alone to live as I would here in the rural sand hills of North Central Florida.

Sure there are details that need to be worked out if we dissect the Amerikan monster into manageably sized sovereign units, but this is the only path to lasting peace and liberty. What we now have is not working – it cannot work – and the longer it is forcibly maintained, the closer we draw to bloody wars of self-determination. Perhaps we can find solutions short of physical conflict.

Why not try self-determination? Why not try liberty? Why not try local self-determination? There may even be a place for something like the original Articles of Confederation that allowed for a loose cooperation between the states. Anything more leads to the sort of tyranny we now suffer under. A tyranny that is at the very least aided and abetted by the US Constitution, if not actually enshrined within it.

So, here in Florida, I would say: If you socialists want Dade, Broward, West Palm, Tampa, Orlando and the areas surrounding the communist indoctrination centers (UF and FSU), y’all are welcome to ‘em – good riddance – JUST LEAVE THE REST OF US ALONE!

Be mindful of this. You can only keep people in darkness and in bondage to something like the Amerikan Empire for so long, eventually something will give and if it is left to fester long enough that something is almost certain to be bloody and violent.

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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