Friday, December 29, 2017

After they’ve taken down all the statues, what’s next?

Fox News compiled a list of the Confederate Statues that have been removed from around the country. While the list is not complete, it is enough to cause the blood of any Christian Southerner to boil.

The most recent outrage, and perhaps the most flagrant thus far, was by Mayor Jim Strickland and the City Council of Memphis, Tennessee.

Of course, the liberal Atlantic magazine lauded the move, and if you have the stomach for it, you can read the full article here:

The article is full of lies and unmitigated hatred against Forrest, the Confederacy, and the South.  Even so, the stench of the unlawful and immoral treachery of city officials cannot be covered up, even by The Atlantic.

I’ll spare you and share some details from the article, so you may forego that unpleasant task.

The article is entitled: “Memphis's Novel Strategy for Tearing Down Confederate Statues”

I suppose that “Novel” sounds better than illegal and treacherous, which is exactly what it was.

The article begins: 
In a surprise move Wednesday evening, the city sold two parks to a nonprofit corporation that promptly tore down monuments to Nathan Bedford Forrest and Jefferson Davis.
“Surprise” that’s rich! The article goes on to tell how that non-profit organization was formed in October and that equipment and personnel were already staged before the “surprise agreement” with the city was signed.

The article explains: 
When Memphians woke up Wednesday, they lived in a city that owned Health Science Park and Fourth Bluff Park, and that featured prominent public statues of Confederate President Jefferson Davis and General Nathan Bedford Forrest. When they woke up the morning after, neither was true.
And what has become of the statues? 
The statues have been removed to a place nobody can find, according to the city’s chief legal officer.
The article continues to describe the city’s actions as “stealthy”, “sudden”, “most unorthodox”, “a work around” and “a new legal maneuver.” This all from someone who fully supports the atrocity.

The article even opines that: 
[T]he decision could also elicit legal challenges and raises some awkward questions about the rule of law.
But when you’ve got a politically correct agenda, the “awkward” rule of law is of no consequence.

As the article notes, the city was blocked by state law from removing the statues, but political correctness always finds a way. And in spite of all the questions the article assures us that the illegal, immoral and treacherous removal of the statues was “a step forward” even though the city was “brazenly flouting” state law.

Finally the article concludes:
The distance between righteous civil disobedience and risky breakdown of rule of law is not as wide as it might seem, however, and it’s easy to imagine ways in which such a procedure could be abused. What if local authorities defied state or federal authorities to erect a pro-Confederate statue?
But such a move would not fall within the politically correct agenda of our Amerikan controllers and we can rest assured that it would not be allowed and that city officials would be arrested and removed from office.

One thing the article neglects to mention is that Jim Strickland is a carpetbagger from Indiana.

Another overlooked fact is that the Forrest statue was actually a headstone for the graves of General Forrest and his wife. Just what might now become of their graves and earthly remains is yet to be seen. Perhaps they will be dug up and their bones burned, as happened with the Bible translator and committed Christian, John Wycliffe.

So, after all the statues are gone, what will be left to destroy? The answer should be rather obvious. The “final solution” is to rid the country and the world of Christian Southerners and our descendants. 

I can’t help but to think that Major Innes Randolph was right in the sentiments that he expressed after the war in his song “The Good Ol’ Rebel”. Those words have come to pretty much express my own thoughts, though I try to avoid some of the language he employed.


by Major Innes Randolph, C.S.A.

Oh, I'm a good old Rebel soldier, now that's just what I am;
For this "Fair Land of Freedom" I do not give a damn!
I'm glad I fit against it, I only wish we'd won,
And I don't want no pardon for anything I done.

I hates the Constitution, this "Great Republic," too!
I hates the Freedman's Bureau and uniforms of blue!
I hates the nasty eagle with all its brags and fuss,
And the lying, thieving Yankees, I hates 'em wuss and wuss!

I hates the Yankee nation and everything they do,
I hates the Declaration of Independence, too!
I hates the "Glorious Union" -- 'tis dripping with our blood,
And I hates their striped banner, and I fit it all I could.

I followed old Marse Robert for four years, near about,
Got wounded in three places, and starved at Point Lookout.
I cotched the "roomatism" a'campin' in the snow,
But I killed a chance o' Yankees, and I'd like to kill some mo'!

Three hundred thousand Yankees is stiff in Southern dust!
We got three hundred thousand before they conquered us.
They died of Southern fever and Southern steel and shot,
But I wish we'd got three million instead of what we got.

I can't take up my musket and fight 'em now no more,
But I ain't a'gonna love 'em, now that's for sartain sure!
I do not want no pardon for what I was and am,
And I won't be reconstructed, and I do not care a damn!


I’ll tell you this -- the yankee nation ain’t my country – and the yankee flag ain’t my flag . . .

Here I stand, so help me God!

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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Friday, December 22, 2017

A Tax Cut I Can Support

This week a fellow who shoots with me at the gun club asked if I supported the Tax Bill being advanced in Congress.

I replied to him that the only tax bill I supported was the one advanced by Ron Paul – abolish the income tax; abolish the IRS; and replace them with NOTHING!

The country got along fine without an income tax until one was imposed by the Lincoln administration in 1861 to pursue the immoral and unconstitutional war against the Southern States. Of course, that tax was itself unconstitutional, but that mattered nothing at all to the regime in Babylon on the Potomac. The income tax was ultimately repealed in 1872, but a new one was imposed in 1894. A Supreme Court ruling in 1895 overturned the unconstitutional tax, but the thieves in the District of Corruption were not long deterred. In 1913 the 16th Amendment was added to the Constitution (though the manner of its ratification has been questioned). Regardless, that same year Congress imposed an income tax and its burden has grown astronomically through the years.

The bottom line is this TAXATION IS THEFT! And the regime in Washington believes itself to be our master and the true owner of all that we possess.

Yes, taxation is theft -- always has been, always will be.

The income tax, and the invasion of privacy that is imposed upon us to collect it, is particularly egregious. Do you really imagine that you are free when you must report every penny you earn to a distant Federal government so that it may abscond with whatever portion it deems necessary?

Without a doubt, our Revolutionary Fathers would already have filled their hands and throttled the illegitimate government in Washington.

It is time to break the shackles of DC and go our own way once again.

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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Friday, December 8, 2017

Property Taxes: Yet Another Proof that We Are Pawns of the State

Ron Paul recently posted this on his Facebook page:

* With the Income Tax, government claims ownership of all your income, and decides how much they'll let you keep.

* With the Property Tax, government claims ownership of your home, and you merely lease it at a rate that they see fit. 

* Choose not to pay the government, and you quickly find out that you don't really "own" your own home in America.

It doesn't have to be this way...

My wife and I recently paid our property taxes and it brings to mind several questions. The answers should be apparent, but if they are not, it may be because you support theft -- so long as someone else (government) does the theft on your behalf.

* Why do I never truly own my home, though I paid it off years ago?

* Why must I pay yearly rent (taxes) to the state to continue to live in that home that I own? (I don’t remember signing a “social contract” authorizing someone to rob me of my possessions).

* As I look at my tax assessment, I wonder, who determined what my “fair share” is to pay for the education of other people’s children? (Particularly since I did not send my own children to the government schools and I paid for their education without resorting to robbing anyone else.)

* I wonder if there is anyone in county or state government who would be able or willing to answer these simple questions?

Consider how proud people are to be Americans – how they still think they are free – and we all remain nothing but the slaves of the state.

Ron Paul says: “it doesn’t have to be this way.” I hope that is true. I do know that the very first step to any solution begins with realizing the criminal nature of the state.

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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Friday, November 24, 2017

Thanksgiving from a Baptist and a Southern Perspective

Having just celebrated Thanksgiving, I think I’ll share a few thoughts on the holiday from my perspective as a Baptist and as a Southerner.

Concerning the veneration often heaped upon the Pilgrims and Puritans, I remind my Baptist brethren that these folks were hardly true friends of Christian liberty and they thought very little of our Baptist forefathers.

The following taken from D. B. Ray’s book, Baptist Secession, will illustrate that point:

Poets and statesmen have united to swell the sounding praises of the May Flower and its cargo of Pilgrims, who only fled from persecution to become themselves the bitter persecutors of the hated Baptists . . . but, what bard, historian, or statesman, is kind enough to give the name, mark the course, and record the incidents of the voyage of that favored vessel, which conveyed the Welsh Tract church from the shores of Europe across the briny deep, to find a home in the deep, tangled forests of America, where they might unfurl the banner of religious liberty, which should never be stained by the foul blot of persecution? Or, who can furnish the history of that ship which bore the heroic John Clarke from London to the American shores?  Must it be left to ocean winds and waves to sing the praises of these pioneers of the Baptist denomination in America? Perchance these favored vessels were guarded in their perilous voyages by angelic legions, who have treasured up in the archives of heaven the details of the adventures and sufferings of the members of the “sect” which is every-where spoken against.

Ray was writing concerning John Clarke, who established the first Baptist church in America in 1638, and of the Welsh Tract Baptist Church which left Wales and came to America as a group in 1701.

You can read more of how Baptists were treated by the established Protestant churches in America here: Protestant Persecution of Baptists in Early America

As a Southerner, I am also aware that it was not the yankees, but my Southern forebears who first celebrated a Thanksgiving in America. Christopher M. Sullivan, Former Commander-in-Chief, Sons of Confederate Veterans reminds us:

Modern pundits often credit U.S. President Abraham Lincoln with proclaiming the first Thanksgiving Day. Or, even more prominently, we see the first Thanksgiving Day associated with the Pilgrims who settled at Plymouth Rock, in what is now Massachusetts.

Like so much of what we hear about American history this is simply wrong.

The first Thanksgiving in this country was, in fact, celebrated at Jamestown, Virginia in December 1607. The Berkley Plantation’s charter required that the day of the colonist’s safe arrival, “…shall be yearly and perpetually kept holy as a day of thanksgiving….” The sour-faced Pilgrims were still thirteen years into the future.

Of course, the politically correct love to point to the happy scene of the Pilgrims in their black garb, white collars and stiff hats, sitting at a grand banquet with the ruddy savages, all in all a scene of peace and ethnic tranquility. This joint celebration took place because the Pilgrims’ socialistic economic practices (i.e., a common storehouse) had driven them to the brink of starvation, before the Indians took pity and rescued them. If those Indians had only known . . .

But, despite all the credit incorrectly given to the Pilgrims of New England, it is President Lincoln who is oft credited with the first Thanksgiving proclamation because it began an unbroken string of such acts occurring in late November.

But Lincoln was not even the first president to do so since George Washington had issued such a proclamation in 1789. More to the point for us, Confederate President Jefferson Davis declared Friday, November 15, 1861 as, “…a day of national humiliation and prayer…,” — a full two years before Lincoln’s more famous declaration.

Now, Thanksgiving Day is little more than the opening day of shopping season. In 1861, however, it was a different story.

At the time he issued his proclamation, Pres. Davis understood the enormity of the danger the South was facing and his decision to call upon the, “. . . clergy and the people of these Confederate States to repair on that day to their homes and usual places of public worship, and to implore blessing of Almighty God upon our people, that he may give us victory over our enemies, preserve our homes and altars from pollution, and secure to us the restoration of peace and prosperity” was more than just a platitude.

I pray that y’all had a blessed Thanksgiving and that you were able to do so without venerating our yankee puritan oppressors and persecutors.

You might also be interested in listening to our Thanksgiving day service that includes a brief message covering some of these same topics:

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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Friday, November 10, 2017

Let Me Ask One More Time: Were You Armed in Church this Sunday?

This is how I preach in the pulpit every Sunday. I think it my duty to be openly armed as an example and encouragement to others -- AND as a discouragement and warning to some others as well. As Christ’s under shepherd, it is my duty to protect the flock.

Less than two months ago I posed the question: Were you armed in church this Sunday? And now, once again, this past Sunday (11/5/17), a low-life atheist scum murdered more than two dozen people in a church meeting house in Texas. He wounded almost that many more. Reports now confirm that he fired over 400 rounds, stopping to change magazines some 15 times.

Allow me to restate some of my previous comments and to add to them:

1 – You are not “safe” in church and you need to be prepared to defend yourself -- EVERYWHERE.

2 – You should ALWAYS be armed – ALWAYS. The right to defend yourself, and hence to be armed, is God-given. It is not granted by, nor legitimately restricted by, the state or anyone else. If the “law” would disarm you, then in the immortal words of Charles Dickens’ character, Mr. Brumble: “the law is an ass.”

3 – The police CANNOT and will not protect you – and according to the courts it is not even their duty to do so. They show up after the fact; they take perps into custody (if they have not already killed themselves); and they draw chalk lines. Additionally, they will confiscate any firearm that was used for legitimate self-defense and will oft times arrest those who defended themselves and/or their loved ones against an aggressor. In this most recent incident in Texas, it was two citizens who took down the perpetrator (NOT THE POLICE) and neither of them had military or police training.

4 – Had there been armed members of the congregation in Texas, the shooter could have been taken under fire and his ability to inflict harm would have been greatly reduced, if not eliminated. He would have been particularly vulnerable every time he paused to reload and could likely have been taken out.

5 – Will you be ready to do your duty should something like this happen at your church, at your place of business, at your organization, or at your home? Make no mistake about it, if you are the head of a household it is your duty to protect your family.

6 – AND one more note, for you tyrannical do-gooders, who would like to disarm me and violate my rights and diminish my ability to protect my own -- I stand just as ready to meet you (and your paid minions) as I do to meet any other evil doer who would seek to harm my family or to lessen my ability to protect them.

So, I ask, as I have before: Were you armed in church this Sunday?

This is the sign that appears at the back of our meeting house:

I know that many in the congregation are armed in addition to me. Some carry openly and some concealed.

One last note -- this is how I speak from the podium at our Free Florida First meetings:

I do suspect that there are some folks that would like to make us a target on many different levels. So be it. I am determined that we will not be an easy one.

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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