Thursday, March 30, 2017

God and Our Rights

The ignorant, the biased and the hostile often accuse our Confederate forebears with launching a war to perpetuate slavery.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

In his first inaugural address the yankee president said: “I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.” Lincoln also addressed the proposed Corwin Amendment which would have prohibited the Federal government from interfering in the institution of slavery. Of that amendment Lincoln said: “I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution . . . has passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service ... holding such a provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable.”

So had the South been desirous of maintaining slavery in perpetuity it could have remained in the Union and been assured of that.

No, the causes for which Southerners struggled were much more fundamental. They were individual God-given rights. These rights were increasingly being subjugated by the Federal government and Lincoln’s election only promised their further erosion.

I am fortunate to be the descendant of several Confederate soldiers and to be collaterally related to many more.

One of my great-great-grandpas was John Cauthen Strickland, a Sergeant in the Marion Light Artillery from here in Florida. That unit was organized on Amelia Island and became a part of General Edmund Kirby Smith’s Army. They were complimented for their gallantry at the Battle of Richmond, Kentucky in 1862. Later, they became a part of Bragg’s Army and participated in the various campaigns in Georgia, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, etc. They later participated in the Atlanta and Nashville campaigns while attached to General Cheathem’s division. In 1865 they fought against the yankee advance near Mobile, Alabama. When Mobile fell, they were transferred to General Richard Taylor’s department, eventually surrendering in Meridian, Mississippi in May of 1865.

Below is their historic Battle Flag. The first is a replica, made for me by a dear cousin, and the second is the original flag as it was on display at what was once the “Museum of the Confederacy” (and which is now the politically correct “American Civil War Museum”).

Note that the flag specifically indicates exactly what my grandpa and his Confederate brethren were fighting for. It was not the preparation of slavery, but for God and for their God-given rights. Furthermore, the Christian Cross indicates the foundation of their personal faith and the principles upon which their country (Florida) was established.

The replica of my great-great-grandpa’s flag is on the wall behind the pulpit at our meeting house. By the Grace of God, I intend to defend the cause and the truths for which he and his compatriots contended until God calls me home. So help me God!

God and Our Rights . . . yesterday, today, forever!

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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Friday, March 24, 2017

Amerikan Military Spending Is Both Insane and Immoral

Ron Paul recently noted: “The fact is the United States already spends too much on militarism. Not only does the United States spend more on the military than the combined military budgets of the next eight highest spending countries, but Pentagon waste exceeds the total Russian military budget.”

That’s right; the real threat to our security is not from Russia, but from our own rulers in Babylon on the Potomac (DC), who are driving this country headlong into bankruptcy and war.

Take a close look at the following chart. It tells the whole story.

The US already spends almost $600 billion a year on the military, and yet, Mr. Trump wants to increase military spending by $54 billion dollars -- an increase of almost 10%. That INCREASE alone is larger than the entire military budgets of all but two of the countries in the world.

It’s time to stop being the world’s nanny and policeman.

The US could easily cut its military spending by two-thirds, and it would still have the largest military budget of any country in the world; and the taxpayers would have 400 billion more dollars in their pockets.

There is no doubt that the US can maintain a defensive military force to counter any threat with “only” 200 billion dollars, if we just cease our disastrous military adventurism and bring all the troops home.

Mr. Trump is obviously not interested in seeing this happen, neither is the Congress, nor are either of the major political parties.

We will soon enough be either bankrupt or vaporized, as a result of Amerikan military expansion and adventurism. We have ignored the wisdom of those who established the American Republic and have instead created a vast Amerikan Empire.

Shortly after the war, General Robert E. Lee wrote to British politician, Lord Acton, of his concern about the future of the US and what it would become: “The consolidation of the states into one vast empire, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it.”

Secession remains our only viable alternative.

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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Friday, March 17, 2017

Stop the Madness; End the Biannual Resetting of Time

One day, I suspect the change to and from Daylight Savings Time (DST) will finally push some of us over the edge and be the catalyst that begins the much anticipated (and much needed) Revolution.

I mean from whence comes the state’s authority to regulate time? -- to force us all to reset all of our clocks twice a year? -- First to “lose” an hour; and then later to “gain” it back again.

A 2013 Rasmussen Report found that only 37 percent of Americans thought that daylight saving time (DST) is "worth the hassle." While 45 percent said it was not. The remainder evidently was not alert enough to understand or to answer the question -- since the government had disrupted their sleep patterns.

I searched out several articles about the energy savings allegedly attributed to DST; virtually all agreed that the savings were negligible at the best, or that energy consumption was actually increased at the worse.

An article in Live Science is representative of the findings:

Does Daylight Saving Time Really Save Energy?

I found even more articles cataloging the adverse health effects of DST :

Daylight Saving Time Could Impact Your Health, Experts Say
By Kate Raddatz

Why daylight saving time can be bad for your health
By Ashley Strickland, CNN

7 Ways Daylight Saving Time Can Affect Your Health
By Amanda MacMillan

The last article above listed these seven adverse health effects:

1. IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) success rates drop in March

2. Heart attacks spike after the spring time change

3. Stroke rates rise when DST starts and ends

4. Fatigue and “cyberloafing” are rampant

5. Teens are especially exhausted

6. Cluster headaches may strike

7. Depression diagnoses rise in the fall

As usual, the all-benevolent state intervenes in our daily lives with the supposed motivation of helping us, but because of unintended consequences [and oft times intended ones] they actually end up harming us, and sometimes killing us.

Another very helpful article, from Forbes magazine, brought together the virtually non-existent energy savings and the proven health liabilities associated with DST, providing an excellent summary. Additionally it noted two other harmful effects of DST: Increased criminal activity, and increased incidences of fatal automobile accidents.

“Daylight Saving Time, or DST, might do precious little to save energy, and may even increase energy consumption on the whole. Meanwhile, other studies have suggested links between DST and a variety of disturbing social outcomes, including increases in heart attacks and upticks in criminal behavior.

“A study out of the University of Colorado in October, titled ‘Spring Forward at Your Own Risk,’ suggested a strong association between the reduced sleep and reallocated daylight of DST and fatal car accidents. ‘The increased risk persists for the first six days of DST,’ the author states, ‘causing a total of 302 deaths at a social cost of $2.75 billion over the 10-year sample period.’”
Daylight Saving Time: Negligible Energy Savings, Possibly Deadly?
By Tom Zeller Jr.

I realize that this is not the biggest issue we face, but it is yet another glaring example of the “benefits” that we all reap from a nanny government that is run amok.

It’s time to put an end to the madness. Perhaps we can start with something so simple as getting the government out of the business of controlling time.

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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Friday, March 10, 2017

Abortion Is Still Murder

In the past I have identified my worldview as: Christian, Confederate, Paleo-Conservative, and Libertarian. I still believe that these descriptions are an accurate reflection of my core beliefs, though I realize that these terms can be defined variously by different individuals.
I was reminded this week, however, that while I may describe myself as “libertarian”, I cannot identify with, nor support the Libertarian Party.

The Libertarian Party has been posting excerpts from its platform. Earlier this week they posted the following graphic:

I can find no fault with that brief statement. It is essentially a summary of the “Non-Aggression Principle” (NAP). But, knowing the Party’s stance on abortion raised an important question. So, I posed this question to the folks on the Libertarian Party’s page: “Does this include the unborn baby within the womb? The only sort of libertarianism I could support certainly would! Anything less is a sham, to put it very mildly. . . . Abortion is a violation of the NAP . . . I don't see how it can be considered as anything else. It is the initiation of force against the person in the womb. It is murder. I would consider myself a libertarian, but cannot support the Libertarian Party for this reason . . .”

I received the response that I would expect from the humanistic element of the Libertarian Party: “It's not a baby, it's a fetus.”

Following some further discussion I was compelled to ask: “Is there a ‘Libertarian Party’ argument against murder . . . because abortion is murder that takes place in the womb or sometimes partially in the womb.” 

To which I received this response: “The prohibition of murder does not absolve property rights, self ownership, or expand government.” 

What is that supposed to mean? It’s nothing more than doublespeak that seeks to justify the unjustifiable.

So I made a straight-forward inquiry: “Is that supposed to be an answer to my question? Are you saying that murder in the womb is OK?”

But I never did get a straight-forward response.

Later in the week the Party posted this:

I could well have asked again, as I did with the first posting: Does this include the unborn baby within the womb?”

But I would only have received the same sort of duplicitous response from the Party loyalists.

The core of true libertarianism is the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP) which can be boiled down to this:

1 – Don’t commit aggression upon other people.

2 – Don’t steal their stuff.

If that does not apply to the weakest, the most vulnerable, and the most innocent among us, then it really means nothing at all.

I am a libertarian, but I’ll never join the Party.

Many years ago Thomas Jefferson said: “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.”

I must agree with that great Southern gentleman concerning our country and concerning the Libertarian Party as well.

Even more sobering is the following from the Proverbs:

Is there more “innocent blood” than that of the unborn baby within the womb?

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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Friday, March 3, 2017

Go Armed . . . All the Time . . . Everywhere!

I shoot competitively in two or three matches every week. They’re just club matches; nothing close to a professional level.  And even at the club level, I’m usually only a middle of the pack shooter. In any case, at a recent match I was reminded why I go armed . . . all the time . . . and everywhere.

One of my fellow competitors, a gentleman I suppose to be few years younger than me, lives in a small unincorporated community here in North Central Florida. One evening he left his home to buy some groceries at a local market.

I don’t know all the details, but someone was evidently unhappy with the manner of his driving and followed him home. As my friend was exiting his vehicle, a significantly bigger and significantly younger man exited his own vehicle and said: “Old man, you’re about to get a beat down.” In the ensuing struggle my acquaintance was picked up and thrown head first onto the ground, significantly injuring his shoulder.

As you might expect, my fellow-shooter has a concealed carry permit and is proficient in the use of firearms, however, he was not carrying a gun at the time of this incident. Perhaps he figured he did not need one for a quick trip to the local grocery store. 

Consider a few observations on this incident:

1. The assailant was younger and bigger than my friend. The established principle of “Disparity of Force” would have almost certainly justified the use of a firearm in this case. (NOTE: “Disparity of Force is defined as a situation that any reasonable person would conclude places you at an overwhelming disadvantage in your effort to protect yourself against immediate and serious bodily injury.” – Ben Findley, USA Carry)

2. My friend was in his own driveway. As I understand Florida law, he had no duty to retreat, and given the disparity of force, would probably have been unable to do so. Florida has a “Stand Your Ground” Law, which would have further justified his use of a firearm.

3. Simply presenting a firearm would probably have ended the confrontation. It would have gone something like this:

: “Old man, you’re about to get a beat down.”

Intended victim: “Not tonight, I’m not.” (As he draws his weapon).

(Assailant retreats)

4. Some might say, well, your friend was just roughed up a bit and only suffered an injured shoulder. That does not justify shooting someone. However, it could have turned out much worse for my friend. He could have been paralyzed for life or killed outright. When someone younger and stronger than you threatens to attack you, and then commences to do so, it is impossible to know where it might end. You have every right to end it as quickly as possible.

My practice is to go armed . . . all the time . . . and everywhere. I live out in the boonies, in the middle of a fenced-in 5.4 acres. I have entry gates at the front and the back of my property; both are padlocked. I have an intimidating looking dog in my yard and entry alarms on my driveways. Still I go armed all the time . . . even at home. (Some of you may remember the “Going Armed Fashion Show” in my blog from a bit over a year ago:

Here are some simple questions you might ask yourself to determine if I am armed:

1. Do you see me? If the answer is “yes” proceed to question 2.

2. Did you pass through a metal detector to get here? If the answer is “no”, then I AM ARMED.

You will almost never find me in a place where I have to pass through a metal detector. It is only in the most imperative and extreme situations that I will go unarmed. For instance, I don’t believe that I’ve flown on a commercial airplane since sometime in the early 1980s -- and I don’t plan to ever do so again, to the best of my ability.

We live in an increasingly dangerous world. It is imperative to be able to defend yourself. The prospect of Islamic terrorism is real. Common street criminals still abound. Increasingly, the radical left seems to think that it is perfectly legitimate to physically attack anyone who disagrees with them. If these leftist thugs consider the Trumpsters to be “deplorables”, what must they think of me? Of recent days I have received not so subtle threats from some of those same Trumpsters for the “crime” of pointing out that their new emperor has no clothes. (

Unless I’m going to be in a situation that demands deep concealment (i.e., a “non-permissive environment”), I usually leave the house with 18 rounds in my carry pistol and two extra magazines of 17 rounds each (for a total of 52 rounds). I do not consider that to be unreasonable at all in the environment in which we all now live.

The bottom line is simply this: Go Armed . . . All the Time . . . Everywhere!

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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