Friday, November 19, 2021

Thanksgiving Thoughts from a Baptist and a Southerner

The veneration often heaped upon the Pilgrims and Puritans by my Baptist and Southern brethren is thing of great wonder to me. The yankee propaganda that is advanced as "history," honors these groups as defenders of Christian liberty. In reality they were the very opposite.

The yankee puritans persecuted anyone who did not conform to their own narrow and prejudiced views and this included all religious groups that were not them.

The following taken from D. B. Ray’s book, Baptist Secession, illustrates that point:

Poets and statesmen have united to swell the sounding praises of the May Flower and its cargo of Pilgrims, who only fled from persecution to become themselves the bitter persecutors of the hated Baptists . . . but, what bard, historian, or statesman, is kind enough to give the name, mark the course, and record the incidents of the voyage of that favored vessel, which conveyed the Welsh Tract church from the shores of Europe across the briny deep, to find a home in the deep, tangled forests of America, where they might unfurl the banner of religious liberty, which should never be stained by the foul blot of persecution? Or, who can furnish the history of that ship which bore the heroic John Clarke from London to the American shores?  Must it be left to ocean winds and waves to sing the praises of these pioneers of the Baptist denomination in America? Perchance these favored vessels were guarded in their perilous voyages by angelic legions, who have treasured up in the archives of heaven the details of the adventures and sufferings of the members of the “sect” which is every-where spoken against.

Ray was writing concerning John Clarke, who established the first Baptist church in America in 1638, and of the Welsh Tract Baptist Church which left Wales and came to America as a group in 1701.

You can read more of how Baptists were treated by the established Protestant churches in America in the brief tract entitled: "Protestant Persecution of Baptists in Early America."

As a Southerner, I am also aware that it was not the yankees, but my Southern forebears who first celebrated a Thanksgiving in America. Christopher M. Sullivan, Former Commander-in-Chief, Sons of Confederate Veterans reminds us:

Modern pundits often credit U.S. President Abraham Lincoln with proclaiming the first Thanksgiving Day. Or, even more prominently, we see the first Thanksgiving Day associated with the Pilgrims who settled at Plymouth Rock, in what is now Massachusetts.

Like so much of what we hear about American history this is simply wrong.

The first Thanksgiving in this country was, in fact, celebrated at Jamestown, Virginia in December 1607. The Berkley Plantation’s charter required that the day of the colonist’s safe arrival, “…shall be yearly and perpetually kept holy as a day of thanksgiving….” The sour-faced Pilgrims were still thirteen years into the future.

Of course, the politically correct love to point to the happy scene of the Pilgrims in their black garb, white collars and stiff hats, sitting at a grand banquet with the ruddy savages, all in all a scene of peace and ethnic tranquility. This joint celebration took place because the Pilgrims’ socialistic economic practices (i.e., a common storehouse) had driven them to the brink of starvation, before the Indians took pity and rescued them. If those Indians had only known . . .

But, despite all the credit incorrectly given to the Pilgrims of New England, it is President Lincoln who is oft credited with the first Thanksgiving proclamation because it began an unbroken string of such acts occurring in late November.

But Lincoln was not even the first president to do so since George Washington had issued such a proclamation in 1789. More to the point for us, Confederate President Jefferson Davis declared Friday, November 15, 1861 as, “…a day of national humiliation and prayer…,” — a full two years before Lincoln’s more famous declaration.

Now, Thanksgiving Day is little more than the opening day of shopping season. In 1861, however, it was a different story.

At the time he issued his proclamation, Pres. Davis understood the enormity of the danger the South was facing and his decision to call upon the, “. . . clergy and the people of these Confederate States to repair on that day to their homes and usual places of public worship, and to implore blessing of Almighty God upon our people, that he may give us victory over our enemies, preserve our homes and altars from pollution, and secure to us the restoration of peace and prosperity” was more than just a platitude.

I pray that y’all have a blessed Thanksgiving and that you are able to do so without venerating our yankee and puritan oppressors and persecutors.

We have much to be thankful for, particularly those of us who were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, through no merit of our own -- We who were given life and granted the twin gifts of repentance and faith by the Holy Spirit, with which we were brought to embrace the precious gospel of our salvation in the completed atonement of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Unto Him be all the glory and praise and thanksgiving!

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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Friday, November 5, 2021

Still Wearied by the Federal Footmen

NOTE: This is an update of a blog that was originally posted on November 9, 2018. Unfortunately, things have only gotten progressively worse since that time. 

At the beginning of 2018 the Florida legislature passed and our governor signed into law the “Sunshine Protection Act.” This legislation was designed to keep Florida on Daylight Savings Time year around. However, this weekend folks across the state will once again move their clocks back one hour and transitioned from Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time.

Why you may ask? Well, supposedly Florida needed the approval of the US Congress to make such a change and that thoroughly corrupt and worse than useless Congress never got around to lending its approval. So we have never obtained the “permission” of our Federal Feral masters.

If Florida still had any true statesmen, we would just have maintained Daylight Savings Time WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE FEDERAL LEVIATHAN! We just would have said: “Florida is staying on Daylight Saving Time anyway! We care nothing for the approval of the District of Corruption.”

Unfortunately, our state and local politicians are devoid of even the smallest grain of courage. And I ask you, if they cannot stand up to Federal tyranny over such a small matter as a time change, how can we ever expect them to stand up for more important things such as protecting life of the unborn, or our God-given rights to self-defense, or the Covid mandates, etc.?

The spineless cowards in Tallahassee cannot even run with Federal footmen (the infantry), so what will they do when the horses (the cavalry) arrives? I’ll tell you what they will do, they will turn tail and hide or join with our Federal despoilers.

Wearied by the footmen . . .

Jeremiah 12:5  
If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?

Why do we even bother to maintain state and local governments, if we are to be ruled by the distant government in Washington? I suppose the local governments are farm teams to train men and women to take their part in Washington’s oligarchy against the people of the states.

And that, my friends, is why I will not vote for ANYONE running for office. None of them even understand the simple doctrine of NULLIFICATION, where local governments and states stand up for the rights of the governed and exert their self-determination, in spite of Federal dictates and threatenings. None of them care for their constituents. They serve not the people, but rather the central government.

So long as our supposed “leaders” do not have the gumption to stand up to Federal tyranny, even in the smallest of things, I see no prospect of avoiding our total enslavement. For all intents and purposes, we are already there.

In spite of all this, my trust remains in my Sovereign Lord who works all things for the good of His chosen people!

Our politicians may lack backbone and a sense of duty, but let us not join with them in their faithlessness by encouraging them with a vote of confidence!


Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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