Thursday, June 1, 2023

Advance the Colors!

Whenever I go out – and I mean anywhere – I’m wearing Confederate attire. I have scores of Confederate T-shirts, about a dozen Confederate ball caps, and a like number of Confederate belt buckles. I’m almost always wearing all three.  Above is an example of a T-shirt that I wore this past week. I also have at least a dozen Confederate neckties and bolos that I wear on Sundays in the pulpit.

Now I realize that this may not be for everyone. Generally I receive positive feedback, and when anyone does make a positive comment, I take the opportunity to share with them a card from Free Florida First, and promote the idea of a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida! (See card below)

[Front of our card]

[Back of our card]

I’m not saying that the response is always positive. Recently, after spending over $600 on a used computer, and then having to bring it back on more than one occasion for some minor fixes, I had a young computer tech (dare I say “punk”) tell me to “get my racist a** out of his store.” Well, it wasn’t really his store, and he refused to refund my money, so I stood there until he made things right. He eventually apologized, but Florida is being filled with all manner of northern carpetbaggers and illegal aliens. I don’t think it’s a great deal different anywhere in the South. In any case, my Florida roots go back to before the American Revolution, and I ain’t goin’ anywhere. The blasted yankees can leave anytime they wish!

Some good folks think they have to “stay off the skyline” for whatever reason. That’s their decision, but I can say this, I worked at the University of Florida for over 20 years, and my office looked like a mini-Confederate museum, and my vehicles look like rolling Confederate billboards. I always fly a Confederate window flag on my truck.

Free Florida First frequently has a booth at local festivals. We promote freedom and we also sell various Confederate flags to cover our booth fees and to encourage folks to fly the colors. We don’t sell any “striped rags”, though folks often ask if we have any “American flags.” I always tell them that all of our flags are “American flags” – after all, it was the Confederate States of America; not the Confederate States of Argentina!

In any case, we recently had a booth at the Newberry Watermelon Festival, an event we have been attending since 2012.

This is the first year we had a perceivable negative response. Several folks walked by muttering and shaking their heads, some taking pictures, obviously unhappy with our presence. One lady came up to the booth and pointed at each of our folks and shouted “loser, loser, loser.” I told her “thank you”, and that only infuriated her more. I expect that we may have some complaints lodged against our presence at the event, but hopefully, given our long tenure, we will be allowed back next year. Here’s what I think, if Dixie’s flags offend you, you should probably stay out of Dixie! 

Still most of the responses we received were positive, as is usually the case. Many folks tell us how glad they are to see us displaying the colors, but few are ever willing to stand with us. 

This last week, I encountered a young man retrieving carts at a local supermarket and he commented on my flags and remarked how they are increasingly under attack. I shared a card with him and as we parted he said: “Be careful.” I remarked: “They better be careful.” [And that’s all I have to say about that!] 

I just want to encourage y’all to do what you can to keep the memory of our forebears alive and to advance their Cause. As our Vice President, Alexander Stephens noted: “The Cause of the South is the Cause of us all.” – Now more than ever. 

I don’t think that this the time for staying off the skyline. Now is the time for rallying others to the Cause and standing for the Truth. 

Press on, press on, men!!

God Bless y’all. God Bless the Sovereign State of Florida. God Bless the occupied Confederate States of America.

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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