Friday, July 29, 2016

How Many Were Killed by History’s Greatest Tyrants?

How many people were killed by Hitler? How many by Stalin? How many by Abraham Lincoln?

As far as we can determine, these murderous tyrants killed NO ONE with their own hands.

And while this makes them no less guilty, we ought to carefully consider that without the obedience and cooperation of common, average citizens the rampages of these tyrants could not have happened.

Now consider the Amerikan Empire. Consider the outrages it commits in foreign lands. Consider the abuses it commits at home. Consider carpet bombings, drone attacks, political assassinations, the TSA, extra-judicial police executions, daily violations of your natural, God-given rights, etc.

Consider also that it won’t be a president or a supreme court justice or a congressman who comes for your guns (and they will be coming) -- it will be their “enforcers,” in the Amerikan military and police forces.

May it not be our own sons and daughters!

I pray that we raise them up to question the unrestrained authority of the state. I pray that we raise them up to understand that immorality committed under the guise of state authority remains immorality -- and that they remain accountable as individuals.

Mamas don’t let your babies grow up to be Imperial Storm Troopers.

Discourage Christian and Southern youth from joining with the state’s enforcers. Those people are not our friends. They are certainly not rendering service to us, but rather to the state and to the tyrants that direct it.

Without our cooperation and obedience the tyrants are without power.

Deo Vindice!





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  1. To me that sounds like you taking that right out of the black people's Playbook which we've been screaming for years about a two-tier justice system. Not it has come home to roost you understand the significance and the importance of standing up to a tyrant government. Welcome to the battle

  2. It's not really about anyone's "playbook". Too many folks of every race are too happy to feed at the welfare trough. Regardless, God-given rights are for everyone.

    1. The welfare troigh is how they begin to tear down and destroy the black family by making it mandatory that there could be no male in the house means there was no male at the head of the house to guide and direct the children. I have been against the state and all of their corruption since I can remember I'm more than happy to team with like-minded people. I'm just happy that you guys are starting to understand what black people have been saying for years
      The government is not your friend they're only there to serve their self-righteousness and to enforce upon the people their Wills which is not our Wills

    2. Since even before the war Southerners were treated as redheaded stepchildren by the amerikan empire. The atrocities committed against both White and Black Southerners by the yankee invaders were legion. Reconstruction was just a continuation of Ape Lincoln's genocidal war. Believe me, we are not just starting to understand the evil nature of the amerikan empire. Resist! Fight back! God Bless!

    3. I'm so fed up with it always coming to color! It's the poor against the haves!!!! I know this for fact! When your poor and get anything from the government they control everything, no way to get ahead because the government won't allow it!!!

  3. Excellent article! This and Last week. Are you familiar with general smedley butler. He gave a famous speech" war is a racket" it touches on a lot of what you mentioned. although it's from almost 109 years ago, it's still relevant today. Worth reading. 👍

    1. Yes, General Butler is mentioned in several of my blogs, often with a link to his book.
