Friday, August 6, 2021

Forced Vaccinations Will Mean War!

I plan to post this blog in the groups in which I normally post. Most are “Confederate” groups. I suppose some will question if this has anything to do with the Confederacy. It won’t be the first time that’s happened. Some may censor this post or ban me. That’s their business. By the Grace of God, I will continue to post what I consider to be critical information to my like-minded brethren. If we don’t stand now, I believe that all that our ancestors were fighting for will be lost and we will have nothing to leave to our descendants.

I think if you don’t see how this is related to the Confederacy -- how this is related to the Cause for which my ancestors fought -- you really don’t understand what they were fighting for at all. I humbly suggest that you take some time to figure this all out before it’s too late.

A friend sent me a link to the post below this past week. I consider him to be one of the staunchest Confederate brethren I know, even though he was born in New York. He and his wife are some of the most dedicated members of our little Free Florida First pro-liberty, pro-Southern, secessionist group.

In the video he sent me, a former Marine issues a clear warning to anyone who would attempt to forcefully vaccinate him. I will link to that short video and you should be able to view it.

But should that video "be disappeared” for some reason, I have also transcribed his words here:

“This post is probably going to get me in trouble, but I heard someone say that if they try to force vaccination on people, we need to flee to the wilderness. I’m not fleeing nowhere. It’s been a few years, but I think I still got it in me. I think I still got it in me. Now, I don’t use my military background for praises. I don’t do that. Most of you didn’t even know that I served in the Marine Corps, that’s fine. I don’t really care nothing about all that. But if you try to force something on me, I’m not running anywhere. I’m going to kill you. And I won’t think nothing else about it.”


I sincerely believe that this is the stand that my confederate ancestors would have taken.

This is the stand, that by the Grace of God, I shall take.

If you come at me with a syringe of a potentially deadly poison, I will consider that to be assault with a deadly weapon and I will deal with it as such.

I will exercise my right to self-defense, and to the defense of my family with extreme prejudice.

That I consider to be my duty and I intend to perform my duty, as God allows me.

Yeah, I suspect, that like the young man in the video, this may get me in trouble --- AND I ALSO DON”T CARE!!!!!!!

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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  1. I think enough people stood up with similar sentiments to make the tyrannical Federal government back off that plan and instead try to force people to take their "vaccine" at the threat of losing their job and therefore the means to support themselves and their family. Luckily, that seems to have gone nowhere either!

  2. The would-be controllers may be temporarily blocked, but they'll not stop until they accomplish their nefarious goals, or until they are completely overthrown.
