Thursday, December 5, 2024

The Confederate and Christian Case Against Donald J. Trump

Donald J. Trump is a soulless, unprincipled politician like virtually all the others. He is additionally a liberal, Lincoln-loving, New York yankee. He is without foundational principles and has all the morality of an alley cat -- AND yet somehow many of my Christian and Southern brethren are under his spell.

Some folks will accuse me of supporting the Democrats and the California whore Kamala Harris, since I do not embrace the charlatan, Donald J. Trump. Nothing could be further from the truth, but that’s really not the point. If the only way you can make Trump look the least bit appealing is by contrasting him to Harris and the Democrats that is all the proof I need of his vileness.

I believe that I have a duty to speak out. I intend to do my duty, and as the Lord told Ezekiel “whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear” – so I must do my duty.

I have not written a well-annotated research tome. The things set forth here are readily verifiable. Should you doubt them, you can easily confirm them yourself.

* Trump has stated that he will establish a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” and “will launch a major crackdown on government leakers who collude with the fake news to deliberately weave false narratives and to subvert our government and our democracy. When possible, we will press criminal charges.”
– Does that sound anything like “free speech” to you, or does it sound more like 1984?

* In 2018, during his first administration Trump promoted anti-gun Red Flag laws: “I like taking the guns early . . . To go to court would have taken a long time. . . . Take the guns first, go through due process second. 

* In 2018 Trump implemented new federal regulations to ban bump stocks, utilizing the thoroughly corrupt and unconstitutional BATF. 

* Trump has vacillated between being pro-abortion to being anti-abortion to being pro-abortion once again.
 Recently Trump stated Florida’s abortion ban was a mistake and that he thought “the six week (ban) is too short — it has to be more time . . . I want more weeks.” [More weeks to murder more babies!]
 And don’t even talk to me about “State’s Rights” – what we are dealing with here is MURDER and that is wrong in every circumstance! 

* Trump now calls himself “Father of IVF.” In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a procedure that involves the destruction of multitudes of embryos (i.e., the murder of unborn humans). 

* Trump is a promoter of sodomy and of the LGBTQ movement. In his first administration Trump appointed an open sodomite (who was “married” to another man) to head national intelligence and most recently he has nominated another open sodomite (who is also “married” to another man) to an important economical position. Oh yeah and this gem of a “fellow” is also a Democrat and a former associate of George Soros. Lovely! 

Romans 1:26-27 
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:  (27)  And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

* Trump’s cabinet during his first administration was atrocious, and his current cabinet is shaping up to be just as bad.
– Numerous necons have been appointed to important foreign affairs positions (notably Marco Rubio and Pete Hegseth).
 Pro-abortion advocates have been appointed to high level health positions (RFK, Jr. and others).
 Recently a sheriff, who arrested a pastor for preaching in violation of tyrannical covid restrictions was appointed to head the DEA. [Of course those restrictions were put in place because of Trump and his Emergency Declaration relative to the covid scamdemic.]
 A Hindu has been nominated to head the FBI. 

* Trump still proudly calls himself the Father of the Vaccine” and of “Operation Warp Speed” which he considers “one of the greatest miracles of the ages.” 

* Trump attempts of maintain a façade of Christianity, but admits that he has never in his life REPENTED of anything
– Repentance is foundational to genuine Christianity!

Luke 13:3 
I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

– Yet when asked if he has ever asked God for forgiveness for his actions, Trump responded: “I am not sure I have. I just go on and try to do a better job from there. . . . I think if I do something wrong, I think, I just try and make it right. I don’t bring God into that picture. I don’t.”
– He does, however, make a joke of taking communion as a Presbyterian: “When I drink my little wine  . . . and have my little cracker, I guess that is a form of asking for forgiveness, and I do that as often as possible because I feel cleansed.”
 When asked who Jesus Christ is Trump responded: “Jesus to me is somebody I can think about for security and confidence. Somebody I can revere in terms of bravery and in terms of courage and, because I consider the Christian religion so important, somebody I can totally rely on in my own mind.”
– Trump never mentions that Jesus Christ is GOD or SAVIOUR.
– But it seems that Trump has no need of a Saviour, for he has stated the he does not “like to have to ask for forgiveness. And I am good. I don’t do a lot of things that are bad. I try to do nothing that is bad.”
 In a 2015 video Trump asks: 'Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes? . . . I work hard, I'm an honorable person."
 Trump considers himself an “honorable person”. The man who wrote the bulk of the New Testament cried out:

Romans 7:24
O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?

1 Timothy 1:15
. . . Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.

– He once remarked to an associate: “You never blame yourself; you have to blame something else. If you do something bad, never, ever blame yourself.” 

* A Google search for “sociopathic” gives the following as a result: “Sociopathic is an adjective that describes someone who has antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) or who behaves in an antisocial or asocial way: . . . Sociopaths may have difficulty caring about others, and may lack empathy or remorse for their actions. They may also be impulsive, hostile, and have a weak moral compass.”
– Does that sound like anyone you know?
– I did not say that “Trump is a sociopath.” He might rather be a psychopath, you can look that one up, if you wish.
– Personally, I will not be surprised should I find out that he is the Anti-Christ, though only time will tell, and I am neither a prophet, nor the son of a prophet.

Perhaps you will at least consider these things that I’ve written. Or perhaps you will feel the need to ban me, to block me, to unfriend me, or to denigrate me. But don’t say that no one ever said anything to you. And at least give it some thought before you get one of those brain chips advocated by Trump’s buddy Elon Musk implanted.

Trump is NOT to be trusted. He has proven that to us time and again; and yet the blinded, tranquilized Trumpsters continue to cheer him on. When the tyranny comes from the Left folks seem to be able to recognize it. When it comes from Trump, folks embrace it.

In Trump’s narcissistic, sociopathic world, people are made to be used and discarded. THAT INCLUDES YOU!!!!


I have very little hope for amerika, but I have absolute trust in God.

Judge as you must, I write these things out of concern for my fellow Christians and my fellow Southerners.

Galatians 4:16 
Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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Thursday, October 31, 2024

Cast Your Ballot for the Marxists of Your Choice

Cast your ballot for the Marxists of your choice -- Just don’t try to convince me that you are a committed Confederate.

Go ahead and support the candidate representing amerika’s Marxist party! That will be easy since BOTH major parties are Marxist!


Just be sure to give credit where credit is due. It was the GOP that was Marxist first.

One of the earliest leaders of the Republican Party, and its first elected President, Abraham Lincoln, was a great admirer of Karl Marx and the admiration was mutual. The two corresponded and encouraged one another in their separate endeavors. Marx wrote a letter to Lincoln calling his immoral and traitorous war against the Southern States a “holy Crusade.” In fact, many of Marx’s fellow revolutionaries immigrated into the U.S. from Europe and served in the union army. Hence Marx gave the striped rag of the yankee empire a very special place of honor at his 1865 International Workingmen’s Association (The First International).

Below is an interesting picture of the Tenth Convention of the Communist Party USA from 1938, a representation of Lincoln is prominently displayed center stage, flanked below by Lenin and Stalin, in smaller portraits. Above all is a banner displaying “DEMOCRACY”. Really this pretty much says it all, doesn’t it??


Donald J. Trump, the choice of most pseudo-Confederates, is probably Lincoln’s number one fan boy, eclipsed perhaps only by Karl Marx himself.


I know that since I don’t worship at the altar of Donald J. Trump I’ll be accused of promoting Kommie-la Harris for the U.S. presidency. UTTERLY RIDICULOUS!! She too is a blatant promoter of Communism (now referred to as “Democracy”). I’ll be told that I must support the “lesser of two evils.” NO!!! I DON’T HAVE TO DO ANY SUCH THING!!! And I’m not sure I could determine who that might be in any case.

I simply ask: “How can any Southerner vote for the liberal New York yankee, Donald J. Trump??”

Trump’s inauguration portait at the temple of his hero.

So all you self-professed Confederates rush out and vote for the representative of the Party of Lincoln (and Marx).

You know, the liberal New York yankee who:

1. Was for gun control before he was against it and then for it again when he imposed it in the form of a bump stock ban and his enthusiastic support for “Red Flag” laws (“Take the guns first, go through due process second”).

2. Was for abortion before he was against it and is now for it again, in the early months of pregnancy. It is now evidently OK to murder the pre-born so long as they are small enough. Concerning Florida’s ban on abortions after six weeks, Trump said: “I think the six week (ban) is too short — it has to be more time . . .  I want more weeks.”

3. Supports the LGBTQ+ movement and who appointed a sodomite, who is “married” to another man to be the head of national intelligence. Some think that this pervert will be appointed as Secretary of State in a second Trump administration.


4. Is the proud Father of Operation Warp Speed and the Covid jab and who declared a “State of National Emergency” during the Covid scamdemic allowing all the myriad abuses by governors, local governments, businesses, the military and various and sundry government bureaucrats.

Y’all do as you think you must. I will maintain my integrity and I will trust in God Almighty (not Donald J. Trump). I will not comply. I do not consent – not to the Marxist Democrats; not to the Marxist Republicans.


Simply put, I don’t have a dog in this fight, for it ain’t my flag and it ain’t my country.

One last thought. I know I will have angered some of you greatly. I also understand that when we are forced into the field (and we will be). I’ll be sharing fighting holes with many of you. Perhaps your perspective will change by then.

May God have mercy on us all!!

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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Thursday, October 3, 2024

Free Florida First to Be at 35th Annual Peanut Festival

Lord willing, Free Florida First will have a booth at the 35th Annual Central Florida Peanut Festival on Saturday, October 5, 2024. The festival will be held from 9am to 3pm at the Heritage Park in Williston, Florida.

We have had a booth at the Peanut Festival since 2011. It is an opportunity to get ourselves before the public and let folks know that some of us still strive to stand in the old ways and ask for the old paths. We proudly display the banners of our fathers and encourage our fellow Southerners to work with us for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida. Essentially, we just want to be free from the tyrannical government in DC (the District of Corruption) and be left alone to live our lives as we see fit. [It really makes no difference at all who may happen to be in the yankee "White House".]

Jeremiah 6:16a
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. . . .

Our presence at the festival has not always met with universal approval. Here's my blog from 2019 about an ignorant and biased letter that was written to the local communist rag (The Gainesville Sun) about our participation:

So come on out to the Peanut Festival, visit with us, buy some flags, and then go home and fly them, to show your own commitment to liberty and truth.

Here’s a sample of the 3’ X 5’ flags we offer for sale at the festival for $10 each or three (3) for $25.

It is important for us all to stand up, show our colors and FIGHT FOR DIXIE!

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





CLICK HERE to view a PDF of our weekly paper, Just for Your Consideration.

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Thursday, August 29, 2024

Have you figured it out yet? If not, I’m guessing you never will.

So tell me something, all you Trumpsters, have you figured it out yet? Or will you continue to defend a man who has proven himself to be a liberal, New York yankee? I mean really; it should have been obvious from the beginning, but I am astonished at how many continue to fall prey to this great deception -- folks who really should know better. Are you awake yet?

Do you get it that Trump is a man without a political or moral compass? He is a man with no understanding of, or respect for God-given natural rights. Those rights that are supposedly protected by the US Constitution, a document which he swore to defend and protect. I had some poor deluded soul recently tell me that a vote for Trump is a vote for "Confederate values." Does this person even know what "Confederate values" are?  Certainly they are not exemplified by D. J. Trump!!!

Several weeks ago Trump denounced a plan by the Heritage Foundation [Project 2025] , a rather moderate conservative organization, as  "extreme" and "very very conservative." 

- He supports "Red Flag" gun laws.

- He pushed through a ban on bump stocks.

- He opposes genuine due process and says: "'Take the guns first, go through due process second.' THAT IS NOT DUE PROCESS, its tyranny!

- He appointed a sodomite as Director of National Intelligence.

- He embraces the LGBTQ+ flag and courts the perverts who it represents.

- He is the father of "Operation Warp Speed" and promoted the jab and covid restrictions.

I could continue on at book length, but if you still support this man, in spite of the above, I doubt that anything else will convince you.

How many of you will be voting for him again in 2024? Really, it’s no wonder that this country is in the horrendous and irredeemable shape that it’s in.

I still hear folks lauding Trump for at least preventing the election of Hitlery Clinton.

Let me explain to you how that works. If Hitlery had been elected, those spineless politicians in the District of Corruption, those who masquerade as the opposition party, would have at least offered up a token resistance to her agenda. Instead, you were able to watch all those self-proclaimed “pro-Second Amendment” Republicans line themselves up with Trump’s anti-liberty diktats.

We have long passed the stage where voting for the next oppressors in Washington or Tallahassee (or your own state capital) will make any difference at all. If you are looking to elections and politicians for liberty, you are looking in the wrong place.

Don’t waste your time voting. Voting only encourages our would-be masters and lends your assent to an immoral and fatally flawed system. By voting, you become complicit in your own destruction.

Rather than voting, spend your time and energy preparing yourself for what may well be the next stage in this unfolding drama -- Voting from the rooftops.

Those who are amongst God’s elect should trust in God and rest in His Sovereignty, while preparing for what may well come next.

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





CLICK HERE to view a PDF of our weekly paper, Just for Your Consideration.

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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Jeff Davis Is Not on the Ballot and I’m Not Voting!

Y’all just do what you think you must, but if I can’t vote Confederate, I won’t be voting.

I will not participate in the yankee elections.

My country has been occupied by an alien power since 1865 and I DO NOT CONSENT TO THEIR ILLEGITIMATE RULE!!!

Florida (and the Confederate States of America) is the only country I recognize and the only ones that I owe any loyalty to.

I could not care less who prevails in the coming yankee elections! I will not give my consent to their occupation of my homeland by participating in their sham elections.

Whoever is installed as the next figurehead of the evil amerikan empire, the subjugation of the South will continue.

I’ll not be distracted by either of the clowns. Not by a boisterous buffoon and not by cackling banshee whore.

Truth is, the arrogant effete amerikan empire will be getting exactly what it deserves one way or the other.

No, it ain’t my rodeo and it ain’t my clowns. A pox on all their houses!

As Governor George Wallace of Alabama noted many years ago: "There's not a dime's worth of difference between the Republicans and Democrats"

Consider this liberal New York yankee, Donald J. Trump, who is adored by many who claim to be Confederates. He modified the platform of the GOP to weaken its stand against gun control and against abortion, amongst other “progressive” reforms.

And while I am certainly not a fan of Michael Pence, it is interesting that some Trumpsters dismiss him as a “RINO” (Republican In Name Only). I’m not sure exactly what that means. I do know that he dared to call out the watering down of the Republican platform because itremoved 50 years of pro-life language” and “made no mention of the national debt.” Those seem like legitimate concerns to me.

And what exactly is it they really want? Do they want “A REAL Republican” like Trump’s hero, Ape Lincoln, who raised an army that invaded my country and proceeded to burn, rape, pillage, and murder its way across our beloved Southland???

Ape Lincoln was one of the original founders of the Republican Party; surely he must be a “REAL REPUBLICAN”? Is that what these pseudo-Confederates want?? How can Southerners support a man that worships at the throne of Lincoln? 

Here’s just one sample of Trump’s adoration of that consummate tyrant:

What’s wrong with these supposed Confederates who worship the GOP????

I simply CANNOT understand it. I will never be able to understand it.

When it comes to the amerikan empire I defiantly proclaim: “Ain’t my flag; Ain’t my country.”

Don’t work yourself up into a lather over the yankee elections. Find a more productive use for your time, emotions, energy, and efforts, like cleaning your guns:

Or perhaps just watching paint dry:

Proudly proclaim: I Didn’t Vote!!!!

NOTE: I created the graphic above which I print on stickers and wear during the election season.

You’re welcome to use it yourself!


Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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