Thursday, August 22, 2024

Jeff Davis Is Not on the Ballot and I’m Not Voting!

Y’all just do what you think you must, but if I can’t vote Confederate, I won’t be voting.

I will not participate in the yankee elections.

My country has been occupied by an alien power since 1865 and I DO NOT CONSENT TO THEIR ILLEGITIMATE RULE!!!

Florida (and the Confederate States of America) is the only country I recognize and the only ones that I owe any loyalty to.

I could not care less who prevails in the coming yankee elections! I will not give my consent to their occupation of my homeland by participating in their sham elections.

Whoever is installed as the next figurehead of the evil amerikan empire, the subjugation of the South will continue.

I’ll not be distracted by either of the clowns. Not by a boisterous buffoon and not by cackling banshee whore.

Truth is, the arrogant effete amerikan empire will be getting exactly what it deserves one way or the other.

No, it ain’t my rodeo and it ain’t my clowns. A pox on all their houses!

As Governor George Wallace of Alabama noted many years ago: "There's not a dime's worth of difference between the Republicans and Democrats"

Consider this liberal New York yankee, Donald J. Trump, who is adored by many who claim to be Confederates. He modified the platform of the GOP to weaken its stand against gun control and against abortion, amongst other “progressive” reforms.

And while I am certainly not a fan of Michael Pence, it is interesting that some Trumpsters dismiss him as a “RINO” (Republican In Name Only). I’m not sure exactly what that means. I do know that he dared to call out the watering down of the Republican platform because itremoved 50 years of pro-life language” and “made no mention of the national debt.” Those seem like legitimate concerns to me.

And what exactly is it they really want? Do they want “A REAL Republican” like Trump’s hero, Ape Lincoln, who raised an army that invaded my country and proceeded to burn, rape, pillage, and murder its way across our beloved Southland???

Ape Lincoln was one of the original founders of the Republican Party; surely he must be a “REAL REPUBLICAN”? Is that what these pseudo-Confederates want?? How can Southerners support a man that worships at the throne of Lincoln? 

Here’s just one sample of Trump’s adoration of that consummate tyrant:

What’s wrong with these supposed Confederates who worship the GOP????

I simply CANNOT understand it. I will never be able to understand it.

When it comes to the amerikan empire I defiantly proclaim: “Ain’t my flag; Ain’t my country.”

Don’t work yourself up into a lather over the yankee elections. Find a more productive use for your time, emotions, energy, and efforts, like cleaning your guns:

Or perhaps just watching paint dry:

Proudly proclaim: I Didn’t Vote!!!!

NOTE: I created the graphic above which I print on stickers and wear during the election season.

You’re welcome to use it yourself!


Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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