Thursday, July 8, 2021

Stop Reverencing the Empire and Its Enforcers!

I recently had someone react to one of my blogs in which I had called for Southerners and Christians to stop reverencing the flag and the military of the amerikan empire. I pass this on in hopes that the questions raised and the responses I offered may assist others in clarifying their own thinking on these important matters.

The objector reacted to this comment: “Stop reverencing its military enforcers. Stop sending your children to perform its evil, immoral and unconstitutional doings.” As follows: 

While a few assignments in the military have been immoral, the great majority of duties and exploits performed by soldiers, sailors, marines and flight crews are moral, lawful, and legitimate.  Many are necessary for any nation to remain a distinct, independent, and sovereign nation. 

I replied as follows: 

1. Since amerika has not engaged in a DECLARED war since World War 2, all of the wars fought since that time have been both UNCONSTITUTIONAL, ILLEGAL, and IMMORAL.

2. During the last declared war (WW2) civilian cities were bombed by both conventional and nuclear means. Where is the morality in that? Amerika has fully adopted the methods of the war criminals Lincoln, Sherman, Sheridan, Grant, etc.

3. Not to mention Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc., etc. Where is the morality there? And why are those countries any concern of the amerikan empire?

4. Yesterday the idiot in the White House implied that U.S. troops (F-15s and nuclear bombs) might be utilized against U.S. citizens.

5. In addition, there is the gross promotion of the LGBTQ+ agenda by the military establishment.

I simply cannot understand how anyone can justify honoring such a corrupt and perverse entity. 

The objector also reacted to this quote from my blog: “Realize that your true allegiance must be to God and to your family and to your people.” 

But, when he refers to “your people,” if Greg means anyone other than brothers and sisters in Christ of all skin-shades, then I gainsay Greg’s assertion that my “allegiance must be . . . to [my] people.” 

And if Greg allows us to have subordinate allegiance “to your family,” then he should allow us to have subordinate allegiance to our nation for some or most purposes.  

My response to this comment was as follows: 

As to the not-so-subtle implications of “racism” (whatever that may be) on my part -- I really could care less. “Skin-shade” has very little, if anything, to do with our differences. It is something that goes much deeper than that both genetically and culturally. God created the races and we cannot eradicate the differences, try as we may to build a modern Tower of Babel.

Having said that, I consider my Black Christian and Southern neighbor to be more “my people” than any White liberal yankee I know.

My desire is to see that everyone enjoys genuine liberty, without government intervention and meddling. I don’t see that as a possibility within the amerikan empire.

I cannot consider the current U.S. regime to be “my nation” in any sense.  To equate “family” with “the amerikan nation” I find both disturbing and disgusting.

Having said that, [the objector] is at liberty to have whatever “subordinate allegiances” he wishes. Just don’t impose them on me!

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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1 comment:

  1. NO ONE living in the South should be volunteering for service with a military that may be used against their family and friends someday. Make the woke denizens of New York City, Portland, Seattle, and California have to attempt to learn the military skills that they will need to defend the United States. We just need to be ready to defend the South when the time comes.
