Friday, September 17, 2021

Governor Do Your Duty!!!

It is said that an old Greek philosopher once roamed the streets of Athens looking for an honest man.

 I was much impressed this week by a blog from Jon Rappoport.

Jon Rappoport

Mr. Rappoport is looking for an honest and courageous man or woman. In particular he is looking for a governor with some REAL backbone, but we are talking about politicians here, so I’m not real optimistic, but still . . .

Anyway, Mr. Rappoport tells us the sort of things we need to hear and the sort of things we need to see implemented by any governor who is really serious about resisting the federal tyranny. 

I seriously doubt that this country can recover from the state that it finds itself in. But if it is to be salvaged, I think that the ideas of Mr. Rappoport, or some very much like his, must be adopted by every honest and dedicated governor in these united States, assuming that such leaders still exist. 

First I’ll share my summary of his thoughts, and then I hope you will be inclined to read his entire blog, which I will provide a link to. 

Extracted from “Biden’s Vaccinate Mandate: Open Letter to Governors Who Want to Fight Back” by Jon Rappoport: 

You’re going to hear many people saying the Biden vaccine mandate is unconstitutional and illegal. I agree. But that doesn’t mean this argument will fly in court. 

Do not be fooled into sitting back and blithely thinking legal arguments will win the day. Going to court is not nearly enough. You have to say: I’M NOT GOING TO ENFORCE THE FEDERAL VACCINE MANDATE IN MY STATE. THERE IS NO WAY THIS STATE GOVERNMENT IS GOING TO COMPLY. If you’re really serious, and not just pretending to be, that is what you have to say. No matter what.   

We’re in an extreme crisis here. Your solution has to go the distance. It can’t be a symbolic gesture. 

No one can guarantee an ultimate outcome. You’re promoting LIBERTY and RESISTANCE. We’re in a new 1776. You must find the passion within yourselves to rally the people to your side and the side of freedom. 

NOW. Will ONE of you go all the way? 

Mr. Rappoport declares that we’re in a new 1776. For us Southerners it could just as well be a new 1860. Regardless, the time is now for resistance! 

You may read the entirety of Jon Rappoports blog on Lew Rockwell’s website: 

We can hope that our governors will do the right thing, but regardless, we as individuals have an obligation to stand and fight when the time comes. And I believe that the time has come. 

I close with the thoughts of another blogger I greatly respect, The Patriot Nurse: 

If you think the men who took up arms to fight in 1776 didn't have families to feed, you're wrong. Don't hide behind your family or use them to justify cowardice. Children need principles more than stuff. They need examples more than the newest toy. Women need men they RESPECT as husbands. Family is why you lead...not why you follow. 

The Patriot Nurse

Many of us are descendants of men who stood and fought in either the First War of Independence (1776) or the Second War of Independence (1860-1865). Won’t you stand now, even if it means standing alone?

Free Florida First advocates for a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous, and Traditionally Southern Florida.

Deo Vindice!





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1 comment:

  1. Great minds think alike, as I was reading this I was thinking "Not 1776, it's 1861 again!"
